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What is Mortgage Default Insurance, and do I Need it in Quebec?

Qu'est-ce que l'assurance hypothécaire

In the realm of real estate transactions, purchasing a property often involves navigating a maze of complex terms and considerations. One such consideration, especially for prospective homeowners in Quebec, is mortgage default insurance. In this comprehensive guide, we explain what mortgage default insurance entails, its significance in Quebec, and whether it’s a necessity for you.

What is Mortgage Default Insurance?

Mortgage default insurance, also known as mortgage loan insurance, is a type of insurance that protects lenders against the risk of borrower default. In Canada, this insurance is typically required by lenders when the down payment on a home is less than 20% of the purchase price, making it a common feature of high-ratio mortgages.

Importance of Mortgage Default Insurance

For lenders, mortgage default insurance serves as a security blanket, mitigating the financial risks associated with lending to borrowers with smaller down payments. This insurance provides assurance that in the event of a borrower default, the lender will still recoup a portion of the outstanding mortgage balance from the insurer.

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Do You Need Mortgage Default Insurance in Quebec?

In Quebec, as in the rest of Canada, the decision to obtain mortgage default insurance depends on various factors. Let’s explore some key considerations:

High-Ratio Mortgage

If you’re purchasing a home in Quebec with a down payment of less than 20% of the purchase price, you’ll likely need to secure mortgage default insurance. This requirement applies to both conventional and non-conventional mortgages.

Market Conditions

The state of the housing market can influence the need for mortgage default insurance. In a market where housing prices are high relative to household incomes, many buyers may opt for high-ratio mortgages, thus necessitating mortgage default insurance.

Lender Requirements

Most lenders in Quebec, including banks and credit unions, will stipulate the need for mortgage default insurance when issuing high-ratio mortgages. It’s essential to understand your lender’s policies and requirements regarding mortgage insurance.


While mortgage default insurance adds to the upfront costs of homeownership, it also enables buyers to enter the housing market with a smaller down payment on the purchase price of a property. For many first-time home buyers in Quebec, this option makes homeownership more accessible and affordable.

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What Does an Uninsured Mortgage Entail?

With an uninsured mortgage, borrowers typically face stricter criteria, requiring larger down payments and higher credit scores. Without insurance protection, lenders may be more cautious, potentially resulting in higher interest rates. Borrowers must assume full debt obligations and may face legal proceedings if unable to meet payments.

Uninsured mortgages are common for properties exceeding a certain price range and differ from insured mortgages primarily in risk allocation, where borrowers bear greater responsibility for loan repayment without insurance backing.

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Benefits of Mortgage Default Insurance

Mortgage default insurance offers vital protection to lenders in situations where borrowers default on their loans. This insurance, typically required for down payments less than 20%, mitigates risks for mortgage lenders, potentially reducing housing costs for borrowers. It’s a critical safeguard throughout the mortgage application process, ensuring manageable monthly payments.

Here are key advantages of mortgage default insurance:

  • Access to Financing: For buyers with limited savings for a down payment, mortgage default insurance opens doors to homeownership by allowing them to qualify for high-ratio mortgages.
  • Protection for Lenders: By safeguarding lenders against borrower defaults, mortgage default insurance encourages them to extend financing to a broader range of borrowers, including those with less-established credit histories.
  • Competitive Mortgage Rates: Lenders often offer more competitive interest rates on insured mortgages, as the added security provided by mortgage default insurance reduces their risk exposure.

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Key Players in Mortgage Default Insurance

In Canada, several mortgage default insurance providers operate in the market, including Canada Guaranty, Genworth Canada, and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). These providers of mortgage default insurance offer coverage to lenders, protecting them against losses incurred due to borrower defaults.

Borrowers pay a mortgage default insurance premium, which is often calculated based on the loan-to-value ratio, among other factors. This premium can be paid upfront or added to the mortgage balance, affecting the borrower’s monthly payments.

How Much Does Mortgage Default Insurance Cost?

Your mortgage insurance premium and payment requirements are influenced by a wide range of factors in Quebec, so there is no average cost for mortgage default insurance. From the lump sum deposit on your home to minimum credit scores, your mortgage default insurers look at multiple factors that contribute to the final cost of mortgage insurance:

  • Down Payment Percentage: The size of the down payment affects the cost of mortgage default insurance. Generally, a smaller down payment in the buying process results in a higher insurance premium.
  • Loan Amount: The total amount of the mortgage loan also influences the cost of insurance. Higher loan amounts typically result in higher insurance premiums.
  • Credit Score: Borrowers’ credit scores play a significant role in determining the cost of mortgage default insurance. Higher credit scores may result in lower insurance premiums, while lower scores could lead to higher premiums or potential rejection.
  • Type of Property: The type of property being purchased, such as an energy-efficient home or an investment property, can impact the cost of insurance. Some properties may qualify for discounts or special rates.
  • Provincial Sales Tax (PST): In Quebec, the cost of mortgage default insurance may be subject to provincial sales tax, which adds to the overall closing costs of buying a home.

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Talk to a Mortgage Broker About Your Options

At Refinancement Hypothecaire, our mortgage brokers can help you navigate complex financial decisions. With a keen understanding of legal proceedings and intricate calculations, our brokers excel in tailoring mortgage financing solutions to clients’ needs.

Whether it’s determining mortgage principles, optimizing debt service, or facilitating seamless transactions, our expertise ensures that clients make informed decisions. You can trust our seasoned professionals for comprehensive support in securing the best mortgage options and avoiding pitfalls in the intricate world of real estate financing.

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